1.       Thanayod Sasivimolrattana, Arkom Chaiwongkot, and Parvapan Bhattarakosol. Role of HPV16E1 in tumor characteristics of cervical cancer cells. The 31st Annual Scientific Meeting, The Virology Association (Thailand). December 1-2, 2022
2.      Thanayod Sasivimolrattana, Arkom Chaiwongkot, and Parvapan Bhattarakosol. Role of HPV16E1 in tumor characteristics of cervical cancer cells. The 1st MD-Micro Research Day, Medical Microbiology, Interdisciplinary Program, Graduate school, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand. November 24, 2022
3.      Thanayod Sasivimolrattana, Wasun Chantratita, Insee Sensorn, Arkom Chaiwongkot, Shina Oranratanaphan, Parvapan Bhattarakosol. Human Papillomavirus Domination Controls Cervical Virome. The Graduate Research Competition 2022, Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand. August 25, 2022 (Oral presentation)
4.      Thanayod Sasivimolrattana, Wasun Chantratita, Insee Sensorn, Arkom Chaiwongkot, Shina Oranratanaphan, Parvapan Bhattarakosol. Relationship between cervical virome and cytological characteristics of high-risk HPVs infected patients. MDCU Congress 2022, Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand. August 17-19, 2022
5.      Thanayod Sasivimolrattana, Wasun Chantratita, Insee Sensorn, Arkom Chaiwongkot, Shina Oranratanaphan, Parvapan Bhattarakosol. Relationship between cervical virome and cytological characteristics of high-risk HPVs infected patients. Keystone Symposia eSymposia meeting Global Priorities in Vaginal Health: Microbes, Mucosal Immunity, and Interventions. November 10-12, 2021
6.      Thanayod Sasivimolrattana and Parvapan Bhattarakosol. Filopodia formation plays a key role in HSV-1 entry in activated T lymphocytes. Proceeding of the 28th Annual Scientific Meeting, The Virology Association (Thailand). November 15-16, 2018